miami vintage mercantile

In the Historic YMCA building in Miami, Arizona. On the corner of Miami and Sullivan.

in the historic YMCA building

saturdays 10-5

Glass ware that can be found in Miami Vintage Mercantile in miami, arizona


Find unique single pieces or whole large sets of china

Stone writing desk that can be found in Miami Vintage Mercantile in Miami AZ

High end furniture

Stone writing desk. $3,000

Starline High Boy with cedar drawer found in Miami Vintage Mercantile in Miami AZ


Starline High Boy with cedar drawer. Matching vanity

old YMCA building in Miami AZ where Miami Vintage Mercantile is housed

Antiques, gifts, vintage

Open Saturdays

10 a.m.

to 5 p.m.

155 N. Miami Ave

Come visit Miami Vintage Mercantile! We are in Miami, Arizona in the Historic YMCA building. Click the link below to find out where you can find us.

glass piece that can be found in Miami Vintage Mercantile in Miami AZ

Feel the
vintage vibe

“Such a pretty little shop!"
“I love the vibe in here.”
“This is such a sweet place, I want to just chill here.”